How to Get Your Home Ready for Professional Photographers

How to Get Your Home Ready for Professional Photographers

  • Team Armstrong
  • 08/24/22

When preparing your Rancho Mirage homes for sale, professional photographers are needed to present your home with grace and style. When you hire a realtor to help you sell your home, professional photographers will often be assigned to take interior and exterior photographs of your home. Real estate photographers are artists, and you can help them to make your home look impeccable. This guide will help you understand the process and provide tips to assist the photographers in getting the most out of your session. Team Armstrong can provide recommendations for preparing your Rancho Mirage luxury homes for professional photographers.

Walking the home with a professional real estate photographer

A professional real estate photographer will walk through the home and seek to find the best positions from which to photograph the rooms in your house. Every home has positive and negative features, and professional photographers understand how to focus on every positive element of a house. Notable attributes are emphasized through many photographs taken from multiple angles. Professional photographers will walk through your home and seek the best time of day to use the light that filters through your home. Also, professional real estate photographers will attempt to make your home look large and open. Buyers should feel invited to schedule a showing by viewing the professional photographs posted on your real estate listing.
You should do everything within your power to make your home clean and bright. The more you prepare your home, the less time professional photographers will have to spend setting up the interior of your house.

Remove all pets and pet items

Pets are wonderful additions to our lives, but you do not want your dog or cat to be viewable in any of the professional photographs taken of your home. An animal may also distract a viewer from the design and layout of the home. Remove items such as pet food, pet toys, or pet beds. Some viewers may not be pet friendly, and by removing them from the area you can prevent them from interfering with a great view of your house. A Team Armstrong real estate agent can provide advice regarding your pets and ensure your home is prepared for professional photographers.

Clean every nightstand and dresser of items

We use nightstands and dressers every day as placeholders for bills, change, and clothing items. But these items should not be featured in professional real estate photographs. A professional photographer wants to present your home stripped of any elements that will distract viewers from the design and features of your home. Removing clothes and other miscellaneous items from nightstands and dressers will give your home a clean and tidy appearance. Also, it is recommended that homeowners dust their nightstands and dressers to make sure professional photographers do not have to do any cleaning before taking their interior shots of your home.

Place clothing items lying around the home inside closets

Do not leave any clothes lying around your home for professional photographers to find when they arrive. Go through every room in your house and pick up all clothing items. Neatly hang them in closets or put them in dressers, so they are not noticeable when the photographers come to photograph your home. You do not want an untidy appearance to cause potential buyers to skip over your home when searching for homes to purchase. It is best to place clothing items in closets a few days before the professional photographers arrive, so you have time to vacuum and clean the floors.

Remove photographs and personal items from view

If you have framed photographs, you should remove these before a professional photographer comes into the home. You want to protect your privacy, and you also do not want to make the home look like it belongs to someone else. A prospective buyer should view your home and determine that it looks like a place they would enjoy living. If you leave personal items and photographs in your home, potential buyers may be hesitant to schedule a viewing.

Clear, clean, and scrub kitchen counters

When viewing homes they may want to purchase, kitchens are often the rooms in which potential buyers are most interested. Cleaning your kitchen counters and clearing them of items will help professional photographers show your home in the best light possible. Also, photographs of your kitchen should not contain food items or other personal belongings that will distract the viewer from searching through listings for a home. Presenting your home in a clean and tidy manner is the best thing you can do to enable professional photographers to work their magic. Also, open all blinds and clean the windows in your kitchen. By allowing sunlight to filter through the windows, you will be helping professional photographers use light to take great photographs of your home.

Clean bathroom sinks, showers, and tubs

You need to remove all personal items from the bathrooms. Do not leave any cleaning items or personal belongings inside the bathrooms. Also, remove any dirt and grime in your bathroom sinks or tubs. Presenting the bathroom in the best light possible will make it more likely that a potential buyer will reach out to schedule a viewing. Bathrooms and kitchens are often the most popular rooms for buyers to view before deciding to move forward with learning more about a home, so do your best to ensure the bathrooms are clean and orderly.

Replace old light bulbs and turn on every light in the home

Turn on every light in your home before the professional photographers arrive. Also, if you see any bulbs flickering, or if you know any bulbs have burned out, replace them immediately. Interior lighting is an important tool for photographers to take great pictures of homes. Replacing burned-out bulbs will help professional photographers do their job.

Contact Team Armstrong today for your real estate needs

Contact Team Armstrong today to schedule a consultation if you are interested in selling or buying a home. We have years of experience helping buyers and sellers in the real estate market. Our expertise can help you have a successful transaction. We can also help you find the best home for you and your family. Team Armstrong is here to help you with your real estate needs.

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